Comparative characteristics of productivity elements among film and huskless forms of oat


  • Magharamov Bashir Gadisovich



Background and Objective: The study of comparative agrobiological characteristics of productivity elements and their conjugation among various sort samples of huskless and filmed forms of oats were carried out under the conditions of the Republic of Dagestan. In the Republic of Dagestan, oat is one of the promising grain fodder and fodder crops. The interest in this culture is explained by high feed qualities of grain, vegetative mass, and protein content. Besides, oat grain is an indispensable food for most types of farm animals and poultry. A particular importance is given to the huskless forms since their grain has great prospects during the production of mixed fodders, dietary, and baby food. Methods: A comparative study of film and huskless forms of oats according to the structural elements that determine the productivity of heads revealed an actual homogeneity according to these indices, which indicates the selection potential of huskless forms. The revealed lag by the weight of 1000 grains points to the need for further study of huskless forms diversity to identify large-grain donors. Results: The study of correlation links showed that the main structural elements of head productivity, of which the final result is developed, that is, a crop, closely interact with each other positively. The revealed negative interrelationships of 1000 grain weight with the head length and the number of grains among huskless oats confirm our conclusion about the expediency of breeding-valuable genotypes search and selection according to this feature. Conclusion: AS-7 was revealed among the studied varieties of oats and among film forms in terms of productivity, and Aldan among huskless forms, both from Kemerovo region.


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