The state of monocultures in the territory of green zones of vladivostok agglomeration (the program “Big Vladivostok”)


  • Natalya G. Rozlomiy



Aim: The article presents the taxation data and the description of artificially created cultures, such as Manchurian walnut, Manchurian ash, Amur cork tree, Maximovich poplar, Korean pine, and common pine. The analysis of growth of these wood species was made. The existing cultures of woody species were created in the late 1960s and early 1980s. Materials and Methods: A total of 40 sampling areas within the boundaries of green zones of “Big Vladivostok†cities were laid down for the analysis of the growth of different woody species. Results: No young growth found from plantations of forest culture in close proximity to the cities. Primarily, in the first class of the planting age, they have the III Class of growth. With further growth, the bonitet rises to I and the II Class. Conclusion: The analysis of the growth of the studied woody species, growing in different geobiological conditions, testifies to the high energy of their growth, by every taxation measure; therefore, given species can be recommended for the creation of environmentally sustainable green belt.


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