International comparative analysis of competition and industrial policy implementation features during the production of dairy products


  • Elnara Elmasovna Zajnutdinova



Aim and Scope: The studies were conducted using the example of the leading countries for the production of dairy products - the European Union, India, the United States of America, China, Pakistan, Brazil, the Russian Federation, New Zealand, and Turkey. Materials and Methods: For the purpose of our research, the indicators of output and labor productivity levels were chosen as the system of synchronous indicators. As a specific indicator of competition policy evaluation, the rank in the global competitiveness index calculated by the WEF was chosen, the specific index of the industrial policy assessment - total support estimate was selected. The adopted system of indicators allows to diagnose major problems, to describe the features and the advantages of the method application, and to prepare the most reasonable proposals for harmonization, agreement, and increase the effectiveness of competitive and industrial policies in this area. Result and Discussion: The article presents the results of research on the implementation of competition policy and industrial policy tools in the dairy production sector based on the comparative analysis of specific indicator system behavior that characterizes the efficiency and provides the monitoring of only one of the policies and synchronous indicators that allow to monitor the effective conduct of both policies simultaneously. [1,2] Conclusion: Based on the results of the studies carried out, the proposals have been developed to improve the effectiveness of government support measures and state regulation in Russian Federation within the industry under consideration.


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