Diuretic activity of extracts of Centratherum anthelminticum


  • B. C. Koti
  • A. Purnima




In the present study petroleum ether, chloroform and alcohol extracts of Centratherum anthelminticum (L.) Kuntze (family: Asteraceae) seeds (200 mg/kg b.w., p.o.) were tested for diuretic activity. Th e animals were grouped into fi ve of six animals each. All the animals received priming dose of 0.9% sodium chloride solution (25 ml/kg b.w.). Th e fi rst group served as control and the second group received the standard drug spiranolactone (20 mg/kg body weight) in 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Th e other three groups received petroleum ether, chloroform, and alcohol extracts of C. anthelminticum seeds in a dose of 200 mg/kg body weight suspended in 0.9%
sodium chloride solution (p.o.). Urine volume was recorded for all the groups for 5 h. Th e highest diuretic activity was presented by
alcohol extract followed by that of chloroform, petroleum ether extract has no signifi cant diuretic activity. Alcohol and chloroform
extracts signifi cantly decreased K+ excretion. We observed a potent diuretic and electrolyte excretion activity of chloroform and
alcohol extracts of C. anthelminticum seeds. Th ese fi ndings suggest the possible traditional use of this plant in hypertension as diuretics are used in the management of hypertension.
Key words: Centratherum anthelminticum, diuretic activity, electrolyte excretion, hypertension, spiranolactone


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