Extraction of Ashwagandha by conventional extraction methods and evaluation of its anti-stress activity


  • H. Jain
  • S. D. Parial
  • E. Jarald
  • Anwar S. Daud
  • Showkat Ahmad




The present study was conducted to compare the yield and the antistress activity of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extracts,
using two extraction methods: hot continuous percolation and maceration. Various parameters like temperature, extraction time (10 hours) solvents (water, alcohol, hydroalcohol) and drug-solvent ratios (1:6, 1:8, 1:10) were fixed. The highest yield was found to be 16.96% w/w by maceration process using water (1:8). The activity of different extracts was done by Plus-Maze model using alprazolam as the standard drug. Significant result was found in water extract and hydroalcoholic (1:8) extract prepared by maceration method and also in hydro-alcoholic extract (1:8) prepared by soxhlet process.
Key words: Alprazolam, anti-stress activity, elevated plus maze, extraction, withania somnifera


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