Comparative essential oil composition of different vegetative parts of Hedychium spicatum Smith. from Uttarakhand, India


  • Ram S. Verma
  • Rajendra C. Padalia



The volatile essential oil constituents of leaves, rhizomes and roots of Hedychium spicatum Smith. from Uttarakhand, India, were analysed by gas chromatography (GC) and GC-mass spectrometry (MS). A total of 39 constituents accounting for 78.7–96.4% of the oils were identified. The essential oils of the roots and rhizomes were marked by the presence of high amount of oxygenated monoterpenoids (60.9% and 65.9%, respectively). The most abundant oxygenated monoterpenoid of these oils was 1,8 cineole (48.7% and 64.0%, respectively). However, leaf oils obtained from two distinct locations, viz. “Song†and “Bhowali†were rich in monoterpene hydrocarbons (β-pinene 40.9%, α-pinene 9.6%) and oxygenated monoterpenoids (1,8 cineole 34.2%), respectively.
Key words: β-Pinene, 1,8-cineole, composition, essential oil, Hedychium spicatum


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