Anti-ulcer potential of Oxystelma esculentum


  • Devang J. Pandya
  • Indermeet Singh Anand



Oxystelma esculentum is a perennial twiner growing near water-logged areas in the Indian subcontinent. It is used traditionally in stomach ulcers. The present work deals with the investigation of anti-ulcer potential of O. esculentum. The plant was successively extracted with solvents of varying polarities, which served as the test extracts. Anti-ulcer effect was checked in Wistar rats using aspirin- and ethanol-induced acute ulcer models. The petroleum ether extract was found to possess the most effective anti-ulcer activity. This proves the traditional claim of the plant as an anti-ulcer drug. Phytochemical screening of this extract revealed the presence of important classes of compounds like cardenolides, flavonoids, phenolics, sterols and triterpenoids. This bioactivityguided phytochemical screening can guide further therapeutic investigations and isolation of pharmacologically active compounds
from Oxystelma esculentum.
Key words: Anti-ulcer, oxystelma esculentum, oxystelma secamone, periploca esculenta


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