Effect of time on extraction of Ashwagandha in various Hydroalcoholic compositions and their anti-inflammatory activity


  • Anupama Singh
  • Vikas Anand Saharan
  • Rajesh Garg
  • V.B. Gupta




Ashwagandha, is a plant of Solanaceae or nightshade family which have botanical name Withania somnifera. It is mainly cultivated in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and many other states of India. Among all states Madhya Pradesh (Neemuch-Mandsaur region) is the major producer of Ashwagandha. Major phytoconstituents are withanolides and alkaloids. These phytoconstituents have many pharmacological activities such as anti-cancer, diuretic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-stress. The yield of active
constituents may vary with time, temperature, number of extractions, drug and solvent ratio. Extracts were prepared in different water and alcohol compositions at different time intervals. These prepared extracts were chromatographed and number of phytoconstituents was present. Some of the extracts were used for performing anti-inflammatory activity. The activity was performed by carrageneaninduced paw oedema method in rats. A few extracts were found effective reducing the oedema. Extract obtained at 15 h was found superior in anti-inflammatory activity which is proposed due to some additional phytoconstituents extracted at that point of time.
Key words: Anti-inflammatory activity, Ashwagandha, Time


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