Apium graveolens accentuates urinary Ca+2 excretions in experimental model of nephrocalcinosis


  • Faruk H. Al Jawad
  • Rafi A. M. Al Razzuqi
  • Ali A. Al Jeboori




Nephrocalcinosis (NC) is a state characterised by deposition of calcium phosphate or oxalate in the renal parenchyma due to different clinical conditions. Apium graveolens (Celery) is a popular vegetable added to salads and many cooked dishes, used in Chinese medicine to reduce high blood pressure and in Arabic medicine to relieve renal pains. To evaluate the effect of A. graveolens in reducing calcium deposits from renal parenchyma in rabbit models with induced NC by a large dose of oxalic acid. A. graveolens produced a significant reduction of blood urea nitrogen (5.7±0.05 vs 7.3±0.2) mmol/l, serum creatinine (87.2±0.63 vs 97.3±0.5) mmol/l and serum Na+ levels (136.8±0.2 vs 142.16±0.7) mmol/l with non-significant reduction in serum K+ (3.3±0.8 vs 3.8±0.03). There is a significant reduction in calcium deposition in renal parenchyma in comparison to the control group after ten days of treatment. A. graveolens showed a significant diuretic effect that accentuates the excretion of urinary calcium.
Key words: Acetylenics, allantoins, nephrocalcinosis, Vitamin D intoxication


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