Analgesic activity of various extracts of Punica granatum (Linn) flowers


  • Guno Sindhu Chakraborthy



Th e extracts of fl owers of Punica granatum (Linn). (N.O. Family Punicaceae) were investigated for analgesic activity in mice using
hot plate method. Th e fl owers of Punica granatum (Linn) were collected from the local market of Mumbai, Maharashtra and were in a dried condition. Th e dried powdered fl owers (500 gm) were extracted in a soxhlet apparatus by using diff erent solvents. Mice weighing 15-25 gm were taken for the experiment. Th e reaction time of animals in all the groups was noted at 30, 60 and 120 min after drug administration. All data were analyzed with Student-t test. Th e various extract of the fl owers of Punica granatum (Linn) showed signifi cant analgesic activity at a dose of 50 mg/kg body weight. A maximum analgesic activity was found at 60 min, after drug
administration, which was equivalent to the standard drug used as morphine sulphate.
Key words: Analgesic activity, mice, Punica granatum (Linn.)


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