Antiulcer potential of Rubia cordifolia Linn. in experimental animals


  • Pankaj Kalra
  • Ashok Kumar Datusalia
  • Sunil Sharma



Alcoholic extract of roots of Rubia cordifolia Linn. (AERC) has been examined to evaluate its antiulcer potential on alcohol, ibuprofen, cold-restraint stress and pyloric ligation-induced gastric lesions. AERC of 100-400 mg/kg was administered orally, once daily for 15 days, to rats of different groups. Ranitidine at a dose of 50 mg/kg was used as a standard drug for these gastric ulcer models. The gastric content was collected and the volume was measured. The ulceration index was determined by examining the inner lining of each stomach. Furthermore, the effect was assessed by free acidity, pepsin activity, total carbohydrate, protein content. The extract demonstrated significant protection against 100% alcohol-(P<0.05-0.01), ibuprofen-(P<0.05-0.01), cold-restraint stress-(P<0.01) and
pylorus ligation-(P>0.01-P>0.01) compared to ranitidine (P<0.01).
Key words: Alcoholic extract, antiulcerogenic activity, Rubia cordifolia Linn


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