Antioxidant activity of the medicinal plant Enicostemma littorale Blume


  • P. Abirami
  • M. Gomathinayagam
  • R. Panneerselvam



Medicinal plants are the source for wide variety of natural antioxidants. In the study reported here, we have conducted a comparative study between the different parts of the plant Enicostemma littorale. The amount of total phenols and antioxidant enzymes Glutathione- S-Transferase, Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase and Peroxidase activities were evaluated and also the non-enzymatic antioxidants ascorbic acid, α- tocopherol and Glutathione activities were evaluated. The results showed that the antioxidant activities varied greatly among the different plant parts used in this study and some parts are rich in natural antioxidants especially the flowers of E. littorale. These results suggest that Enicostemma littorale have strong antioxidant potential. Further study is necessary for isolation
and characterization of antioxidant agents, which can be used to treat various oxidative stress-related diseases.
Key words: Antioxidant, enzymatic antioxidant, non-enzymatic antioxidant, total phenol


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