Marketing analysis of levocarnitine and glucosamine preparations


  • Alyona Voronkina



Aim: For the problem of the struggle of the human body with extreme strains, it is advisable to use active
pharmaceutical ingredients that would directly participate in the metabolism having an actoprotective effect
without exhausting the body. Levocarnitine and glucosamine have such properties. In this work was studied
the development of the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine and the definition of market needs for combined and
monopreparations of levocarnitine and glucosamine. Materials and Methods: The analysis of the market from
January 2015 to September 2017 showed a significant increase in the sales of glucosamine hydrochloride and
levocarnitine products, both in natural and monetary equivalents. Thus, the analysis of the data proves that the
anabolic and frigoprotective properties of glucosamine have not received enough attention. The statistical data
suggest that there is a growing market demand for levocarnitine for oral administration. Results: The ratio of the
sales of glucosamine hydrochloride for injections and for oral use began to change when one of the Ukrainian
drug manufacturers came out on the market with generic glucosamine hydrochloride for oral use. The changes
in the price of one dose of glucosamine hydrochloride for oral use are due to the growth of the market share
occupied by Ukrainian producers in this segment too. Such a shift in sales toward Ukrainian drugs contributes to
the overall increase in the availability of drugs. Conclusions: Analysis of Ukrainian market of the glucosamine
and levocarnitine preparations showed uneven distribution of foreign and domestic manufacturers.


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