Radioactive contamination in drugs: A pharmaceutical topic in a nuclear accident crisis – A concern
An interesting global public health consideration is theproblem of a nuclear accident crisis originating from the
destroyed nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan.
Since the radioactive nuclides that have leaked can
be hazardous, this disaster is an important concern at
present. A huge number of radioactive nuclides were
expected to have been expelled into the environment
after destruction of the nuclear electricity plant, and this
has caused a problem of environmental contamination.
The contamination in the environment may be an
important source of radiohazards to human beings.
Indeed, an environmental contamination post a nuclear
accident, by radionuclides such as cesium 137, is a
proven problem. Contamination can be expected in
many things including ‘drugs’ Here, the author would
like to discuss an important problem, radioactive
contamination in drugs.
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