Comparative and combined studies on anti‑ulcer effect of two plant extracts in experimental models of gastric ulcer in SD rats


  • Gangireddy Ramana
  • Siva Reddy Challa
  • Ch. V. Rao



Objective: The present study was designed to carry out comparative and combined effect anti-ulcer studies of Ficus racemosa Linn. (Family: Moraceae) (Gular) fruit extract and Aegle marmelos (Linn.) Corr. (family: Rutaceae) root extract in various experimental models of ulcer. Materials and Methods: Gastro-protective studies were carried out with individual treatments of Ficus racemosa fruit extract (FRFE) and Aegle marmelos root extract (AMRE) and combination of both in four standard experimental models of ulcer like pylorus ligation (PL)-induced ulcers, Aspirin (ASP)-induced ulcers, Cold-restraint stress (CRS)-induced ulcers, and Ethanol (EtOH)- induced ulcers in SD rats. Gastric secretion parameters, gastric mucosal parameters and anti-oxidant parameters were estimated.
Results: Both FRFE and AMRE have demonstrated the efficacy in different models of ulcer in the following order: PL-induced gastric ulcers > ASP-induced gastric ulcers > EtOH-induced gastric ulcers > CRS-induced gastric ulcers. Both have shown similar degree of efficacy in almost all the models. Results clearly implied that the three combinations A1-50 mg/kg (25 mg of FRFE + 25 mg of AMRE), A2-75 mg/kg (37.5 mg of FRFE + 37.5 mg of AMRE) and A3-100 mg/kg (50 mg of FRFE + 50 mg of AMRE) show significant anti-ulcer effect in CRS-induced ulcer model. Summary: Combination of both FRFE and AMRE have exhibited remarkable antiulcer effect at even lower doses of equal proportions (1:1) in comparison with individual treatment studies, which also have shown good efficacy but much higher doses are required. This study highlights the importance of combined herbal formulations that help
to facilitate the efficacy as well as safety of drugs.
Key words: Aegle marmelos, anti‑ulcer effect, Ficus racemosa, gastroprotection


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