Lagenaria siceraria: A nutraceutical for good health


  • Charu Katare
  • Supriya Agrawal
  • Seema Rana
  • Shweta Sharma
  • Shilpa Chauhan
  • GBKS Prasad



Background: Health education is the essential requirement for the empowerment of developing India. It is the physical, mental,
social and nutritional well being of the person. Health and plant foods have an age‑old association. Several plant foods are reported to have nutraceutical functions. Lagenaria siceraria (bottle gourd) is reported to have several health benefits and hence may be used as a nutraceutical also. Aim: To assess the beneficial effect of bottle gourd juice on biochemical parameters of normal healthy subjects. Materials and Methods: 200 ml freshly prepared Lagenaria siceraria fruit extract (LSFE) was administered every day at fasting state early in the morning to normal healthy subjects. Anthropometric measurements, fasting blood sugar levels, lipid profile, antioxidant status and kidney and liver functions markers were monitored at the beginning and at the end of the 3 months of therapy. Results:
Analysis of the data using t‑test revealed that there was significant improvement at P<0.05 level in triglycerides (TG), High‑Density Lipoprotein‑Cholesterol (HDL‑c) and Very Low‑density Lipoprotein‑Cholesterol (VLDL‑c) levels. A considerable decrease in risk ratio for heart disease was also observed. There was 3.9% reduction in blood glucose level. A marked improvement in antioxidant status was seen. A significant improvement in kidney function at P<0.05 level in urea and uric acid was found. Liver function markers
showed significant reduction at P<0.001 level in bilirubin levels. Conclusion: Findings of the study indicated that LSFE administration may act as a nutraceutical for disease prevention and favour good health
Key words: Antioxidant, health, bottle gourd, Lagenaria siceraria, lipid lowering, nutraceutical


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