Phytopharmacognostical, genetic barcoding, and in vitro antimicrobial evaluation on stem bark of Combretum decandrum Jacq.


  • Rabinarayan Acharya



Introduction: Atundi or Kara kukundi (Combretum decandrum Jacq.) is an ethnobotanical plant traditionally used for the treatment of various ailments and Stem bark, is used as a substitute of betel nut for chewing. Review of literature revealed that the plant has been recently explored on pharmacognostical and analytical aspects focusing on its root, stem, and leaf, but stem bark remains unexplored. In present study, pharmacognostical, analytical, and in vitro antimicrobial activity of stem bark have been explored. Materials and Methods: All studies were carried out by the following standard protocols and statistics was applied using Microsoft Excel worksheet. Results and Discussion: Stem bark is brownish in color while inner surface is brown in color with splintery fibrous facture. Diagrammatic T.S. of stem bark shows cork, several layers of cortex often embedded with cluster and rosette crystal with uniseriate medullary rays. Water extractive value is 20.52 ± 2.67. Qualitative test revealed presence of carbohydrate, alkaloids, and tannin in aqueous and methanol extracts. High performance thin layer chromatography study revealed 5 peaks and 4 peaks at short and long ultraviolet respectively. The antimicrobial activity of C. decandrum stem bark (CDSt.Br.) aqueous extract reveals that there is considerable increase in zone of inhibition with increase in concentration. Conclusion: The macroscopic key identification character of CDSt.Br. is that inner surface is brown in color with splintery fibers and microscopy character is the presence of abundant cluster and rosette crystals. The antimicrobial activity of CDSt.Br. aqueous extract reveals that maximum zone of inhibition is observed at 200 mg/ml.


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