Pharmacognostical studies and phytochemical analysis of Typha angustata with special reference to female inflorescence


  • Niyati S. Acharya
  • Kavita Mehta
  • Vimal Kumar Jain
  • Sanjeev R. Acharya



Background: Typha angustata (Typhaceae) is a valuable folklore plant in India and inflorescence has been reported for the treatment of wounds, boils and ulcers in many Indian and Chinese literatures. Aim: The objective of the present work was to develop detailed pharmacognostical and physicochemical parameters for this drug. Materials and Methods: Microscopical examination of leaf, stem, inflorescence, root and rhizome was carried out with the help of microscope with camera and preliminary phytochemical analysis and Thin Layer Chromatography was developed. Results and Conclusions: The plant showed a typical monocotyledon characteristics with
glabrous isobilateral lamina of leaves with typical paracytic stomata, wedge‑shaped margin, vascular bundles interspersed with fibre bundles in the chlorophyllous mesophyll. Stem showed epidermis, hypodermis external to vascular bundles and fibre bundles, a typical Y shape arrangement of xylem in conjoint and collateral bundle. Major features of rhizomes were epidermis, two types of cortex cells with aeranchymatous inner cortex, uniseriate endodermis with casparian bands, suberin lamellae and secondarily thickened walls. Roots showed epiblema with unicellular trichomes, sclerenchymatous hypodermis, cortex with radially elongated air spaces and polyarch, radial bundles. Phytochemical analysis revealed presence of carbohydrates, glycosides, phenolics in methanolic and aqueous extract and
flavonoids in ethyl acetate and methanol. A co‑TLC using quercetin as a standard was developed in chloroform: Ethyl acetate: Formic acid (6: 4: 0.2) and when observed under UV 254 nm, except aqueous all the extract tested, showed a spot of quercetin. The developed standards may be helpful in identification of the drug and establishment of the quality control parameter for monograph development.
Key words: Female inflorescence, lesser Indian reed mace, microscopy, pharmacognosy, phytochemical analysis, T. angustata


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How to cite this article: Acharya NS, Mehta K, Jain VK, Acharya SR.

Pharmacognostical studies and phytochemical analysis of Typha angustata

with special reference to female inflorescence. Int J Green Pharm 2013;7:12-7.

Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.

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