Medicinally Active Spices and Condiments in Unani Medicine: A Coherent Review


  • Shabnam Anjum Ara



Introduction: Spices and condiments are highly effective as medicine, easily available, low in cost and can be a source from kitchen to clinic, if utilized in a proper scientific way. Unani medicine uses spices and condiments since ancient times as classical literature is enriched with data defining medicinal benefits of spices. The work, not explored earlier, has two basic aims, first to scrutinize the potent as well as common spices and condiments endowed with health benefits mostly used by Unani physicians for the treatment of several disorders and second, to compile the relevant information in a logical scientific manner. Materials and Methods: A methodical study of the Unani literature was done from available relevant ancient classical data especially pharmacognosy and pharmacology textbooks. Critical assessment was carried out from Unani classical books such as Al Qanoon Fit Tib, Khazain al-Advia, Makhzan al-Advia, Kitab al-Hawi, Al-Jami li Mufradat al- Advia wa’l Aghziya as well as from The Unani Pharmacopoeia of India. Recent studies pertaining pharmacological activities of various spices were included and cited from varied research articles and databases such as Science-Direct, Wiley Online Library, and PubMed. Results and Discussion: Phytochemical screening of spices revealed numerous active biomolecules such as phenolic compounds, essential oil, and flavonoids known to possess medicinal value such as carminative, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-oxidant, purgative, laxative, antiviral, expectorant, and diuretic activities. Furthermore, pharmacological analysis utilizing different assays exposed significant information about its important usage as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, hypolipidemic, antiviral, antihypertensive and many more activities in illnesses relating neurological, respiratory, gastric and hepatic disorders, etc. Conclusion: In the present study, we discuss various medicinally active spices used in Unani medicine with their chemical composition, traditional uses and supporting research studies. The medicinal aspects of spices and condiments deserve systematic and scientific probe especially identification and evaluation of specific biomarkers to find out best possible therapeutic outcomes. Therefore, from this review, we conclude that medicinally active spices and condiments should be valued and utilized for restoring the health and well-being of individuals along with the treatment of diseases.


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