Efficacious formulations and important Ayurvedic therapeutic procedures of Vaidya Chintamani – An Ayurvedic great treatise of south India


  • K. Rama Chandra Reddy




Vaidya Chintamani written by Vallabhacharya or Vallabhendra is an important great treatise of Ayurveda
originated and popular in Andhra Pradesh (South India). Vaidya Chintamani fulfills all the components which
are essential for Ayurvedic Physicians. Vaidya Chintamani as a bilingual work and the contents was presented
both in Sanskrit and Telugu language. The Script of the treatise is Telugu, whereas the language of the Sloka is
Sanskrit. Vaidya Chintamani was written in 15th A.D. There are different manuscripts of Vaidya Chintamani are
available in different places. In the end of 19th A.D., this book is published in Telugu language. The compendium
of Vaidya Chintamani is divided systematically in to various Vilasa and further divided into Prakarana (Chapters)
on the basis of diseases. The compendium of Vaidya Chintamani is containing large information about different
Ayurvedic dosage forms mentioned according to disease wise. The etiological factors, pathology, Diagnostic
features, Nadi Pariksha, and Astastana Pariksha are described elaborately. Total content of the book is divided into
25 number of Vilasa. Further, each Vilasa described in the form of different Prakarana. At the last part of this book
Rasa, Maharasa, Dhatu, Ratna, Vishadravya with their Sodhana, Marana, procedures under Suddhi Prakarana and
details about different Yantras, Mana (Weights, and Measurements), Paribhasha Prakarana (Chapter on Technical
terminology), and Visha chikitsa (treatment for poison) are mentioned. Vaidya Chintamani it is also incorporated
in the authoritative book list of Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940. Formulations belonging to Vaidya Chintamani
incorporated in different pharmacopoeia/formulary/therapeutic index. Therefore, this book is considered as a
perfect rendering.


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