Evidence-based study of the effect of Ayurveda management of cerebral palsy in children: A systematic review


  • Himanshu Rawat




Child disability is a major concern for any nation. Childhood comorbidity is not only a challenge for parents
but also a big concern for pediatricians. The motor disorder of cerebral palsy (CP) is often accompanied by
disturbances of sensation, perception, cognition and has multifactorial etiology. Vata is dominant Dosha which
plays a major role in childhood disabilities, so the treatment plan should be Vata Shamana like Phakka Roga
Chikitsa, and Shiromarmabhighata can be used. The use of Rasayanas with Medhya drugs (intellect promoting)
characteristics will enhance the child’s mental and physical development. This will go a long way toward curing
and preventing impairments. To search and reassess the effects of different CP therapy techniques in Ayurveda.
Analysis of published clinical data in a systematic manner to determine the efficacy and safety of Vatavyadhi versus
Ayurvedic therapy protocols for CP. The study examined case reports, non-randomized controlled trials (RCTs),
and RCTs on the treatment of CP in Ayurveda. They were located using directories of open-access publications
as well as databases for Ayurvedic research and medical journals, including MEDLINE, SCOPUS, and Web of
Science. Hand-searching was conducted with pre-established search criteria. Search results were only returned
for articles up to April 2021. The selection of studies was based on CP symptomatology. The study ID, design,
sample size, duration, interventions, results, and outcomes were used to document and retrieve the data. Using
the tools at hand, the quality and bias risk were assessed. We did not try quantitative synthesis because we were
only interested in systematic review. 20 of the 44 screened records met the predetermined criterion. Two research
on Nasya (medicine administered through the nose), 8 studies on Udavartana (application of dry powder to the
skin), 9 studies on Shasthi Shali Pinda SwedaSwedana (hot fomentation with rice cooked in milk) and 16 studies
concentrating on Basti (therapeutic enema) as the main management strategy is among the most frequently used
therapies. The outcomes were divided into Bhaya chikitsa (external procedures), Shamana (palliative medicines),
and Shodhana (purification medicines). Overall investigations reveal a significant improvement in the gradation
index-measured subjective characteristics. Better alleviation was seen when panchakarma therapy was paired
with oral medication. The study’s findings led to a significant improvement in spasticity and muscle power and
helped to maintain a better quality of life, which is widely appreciated.


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