Traditional herbal remedies from the Vindhaya region of Madhya Pradesh in the treatment of viral hepatitis


  • Sumeet Dwivedi
  • Satyaendra Shrivastava
  • Darshan Dubey



India is a repository of herbal medicines, and there are evidences of herbs being used in the treatment of diseases and for revitalizing various body systems in almost all ancient civilizations. Plants have traditionally served as man’s most important weapon against pathogens. Herbal medicines are widely used by all sections of the community, either as folk remedies or as medicaments in the indigenous as well as modern system of medicine. Th e present survey was conducted to record the medicinal herbs that tribes use
for the treatment of viral hepatitis. Data were collected by interviewing local traditional therapists and tribes of the region. A total of 14 medicinal plants were obtained. Information on local names, plant parts, chemical constituents and dosage used were also recorded and reported in this paper. Th e present study aims to draw the attention of researchers towards the need of future critical study.
Key words: Traditional herbal medicine, tribes, folk remedies, viral hepatitis, Vindhaya region, Madhya Pradesh


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