Traditional herbal remedies from madhya pradesh used as oral contraceptives-a field survey.


  • Shrivastava S.
  • Dwivedi S.
  • Dubey D.
  • Kapoor S.



A survey of Madhya Pradesh, India was conducted to record the plants used as oral contraceptives, which are well known in the tribal pockets, are mentioned in the present paper. The rular, tribal and aboriginal peoples of Madhya Pradesh utilize a number of medicinal plants for oral contraceptives. Population is the most inflammable problem due to the existing overwhelming growth rate of the world. Herbal oral contraceptives become need of time because of serious adverse effects produced by synthetic oral contraceptives. This forces us to investigate and identify the plants having antifertility activity. A detailed survey was carried out by the authors to collect information on both reported and unreported medicinal plants of this region. Further research on modern scientific line is necessary to improvise their efficacy, safety and validation of the traditional knowledge.
Key words: Madhya Pradesh, oral contraceptives, herbal medicine, growth rate, antifertility activity.


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