Studies on development of oral colon targeted drug delivery system of locust bean and xanthan gum.


  • Kinage Krishna
  • Nandgude Tanaji
  • Bhise Kiran
  • Deshmukh Pradeep



Colon drug delivery system of Aceclofenac was attempted using locust bean and xanthan gum. The influence of buffer pH and
drug/polymer ratio on the drug release was studied. Dissolution studies were performed in HCl buffer pH1.2, Phosphate buffer pH 7.4 and Phosphate buffer pH 6.8. The results were then compared by pretreatment of all formulations with HCl buffer pH1.2 for 2 hours followed by next 3 hours in Phosphate buffer pH 7.4 and then in 100 ml Phosphate buffer pH 6.8 that contained 4% w/v rat caecal contents for further 19 hours. The rapid release of drug was seen from formulation having 100% locust bean gum. Whereas, it was relatively slow for matrices containing optimum concentration of xanthan gum and locust bean gum. Thus it can be concluded that locust
bean and xanthan gums have good potential to act as carrier for developing Colon drug delivery system.
Key words: Colon specific drug delivery, Locust bean gum, Xanthan gum, aceclofenac.


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