Susceptibility pattern of Malassezia species to selected plant extracts and antifungal agents


  • G. Sibi
  • Md. Ansar Alam
  • Jhanvi Shah
  • Masna Razak



Objective: Malassezia is associated with dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor folliculitis and atopic eczema. This
study determined the susceptibility pattern of Malassezia furfur, M. globosa, M. obtusa, M. restricta, M. slooffiae and M. sympodialis isolated from patients diagnosed with dandruff against plant extracts and antifungal agents. Materials and Methods: Twenty aqueous plant extracts and five azole drugs were tested against the isolates by well diffusion and broth dilution method. Results: Among the plant extracts, Phyllanthus emblica (fruits), Hibiscus rosa sinensis (flowers) and Acacia concinna (pods) have demonstrated significant antidandruff activity. Minimum inhibitory concentration values revealed that ketoconazole as the most effective drug followed by
itraconazole. Conclusion: M. furfur and M. globosa were found as the most susceptible organisms against the aqueous extracts of
Phyllanthus emblica (fruits), Hibiscus rosa sinensis (flowers), Acacia concinna (pods) and azole drugs.
Key words: Antidandruff, antifungal, dandruff, Malassezia


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