Percentage of Swarna Bhasma in medicaments of Ayurveda to treat disorders of different origin


  • Dr.Kapil Deo Yadav



Swarna (gold) has been used to enhance strength and potency, promote longevity and combat the aging process in humans. It is
used as pure metal, bhasma and other dosages form by ancient to the contemporary sciences for therapeutic purposes. In Brihatrayi,
it was mainly used externally for the formation of yantra etc., and after development of shodhan, maran (Rasa Shastra procedure)
process, internal use become possible in wide range of disorders like Jwara (Fever), Yakshma (tuberculosis), Prameha (diabetes), Vata Vyadhi (neurological disorders) and diseases of gastrointestinal tracts with varying percentage. These disorders are developed either by pathogens which may be bacteria, virus, fungi etc., or due to disturbances in person immunity. Swarna formulations having <10% of swrana was used in disorders mainly caused by pathogens like yakhsma, diseases of gastrointestinal tracts and formulation having 11â€20% of swarna for disorders like Vata vyadhi, Prameha which may be developed mainly due to disturbance of immunity at any stage of disease process. Formulations having <10% as well as between 11% and 20% of swarna were indicated in Jwara that may occur either pathogens or disturbances in immunity.

Key words: Immunity, pathogen, swarna


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