Histopathological studies of renal and hepatic tissues of hyperglycemic rats administered with traditional herbal formulations
Background and Aim: The present study investigated the capacity of single and combinatorial herbal formulations of leaf extracts
of Acanthus montanus, Asystasia gangetica, Emilia coccinea, and Hibiscus rosasinensis to reverse renal and hepatic injuries in
alloxanâ€induced hyperglycemic rats. Settings and Design: A total of 102 male Wistar rats were allotted into 17 groups of six rats
each. The animals were deprived of food and water for additional 16 h before the commencement of treatment. The animal groups
were designated on the basis of treatments received at regular intervals of 2 days for 30 days. Materials and Methods: Histological
images of renal and hepatic tissue sections were captured using chargeâ€couple device camera under a light microscope. Blood
biochemical indices were measured using spectrophotometric methods. Statistical Analysis: The data were analyzed by oneâ€way
ANOVA followed by Dunnett test, with the level of significance set at P < 0.05. Results: Histopathological studies of the untreated
hyperglycemic rats showed evidence of hypertrophy and disarrangements of the hepatic parenchyma. The architecture of hepatic parenchyma showed evidence of varying levels of necrosis and restoration of cellular integrity following herbal treatment.
Similarly, histopathological studies of the renal tissues showed evidence of cells swellings and fibrotic changes of the glomeruli.
However, herbal treatments restored cellular integrity and reversed glomeruli atrophy and turf disarrangement. In addition,
blood biochemical indices showed evidence of restoration of cellular integrity. Conclusion: Both histological and biochemical
indices revealed varying capacities of single and combinatorial herbal formulations to reverse renal and hepatic tissues injuries
in hyperglycemic rats.
Key words: Hepatic, herbal formulations, histology, hyperglycemia, renal