Antihyperglycemic activity of the ethanolic seed extract of Vernonia anthelminticum willd


  • A. Karthikeyan
  • G. Siva
  • S. P. Sujitha
  • D. A. P. Rex2



Th e investigation was carried out to study the eff ects of Vernonia anthelminticum Willd seed extract on blood glucose level. Th eantihyperglycemic effi cacy of the ethanolic extract of the seed was evaluated in normal, glucose and alloxan induced diabetic rats. The extract exhibited signifi cant hypoglycemic activity in all three animal models when compared with the control group. Th e activity was also comparable to that of the eff ect produced by a standard antidiabetic agent gliclazide, 25 mg/kg (p.o.). Th e results also indicated dose dependent eff ect. Th e hypoglycemia and antihyperglycaemia produced by the extract may be due to increased uptake of glucose
at tissue level or increase in pancreatic beta-cell function or due to inhibition of intestinal absorption of glucose. Th e study indicated that the ethanolic extract is a potential antidiabetic agent and lends scientifi c support for its else’s in folk medicine.
Key words: Alloxan, antidiabetic, blood glucose, gliclazide, vernonia anthelminiticum


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