Macroscopic, microscopic, and micrometric evaluation of Madhavilata (Hiptage benghalensis Linn. (Kurz.) flower


  • Madhavi Patel Department of Dravyaguna, Indian Institute of Ayurvedic Pharmaceutical Sciences, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.



Background: Hiptage benghalensis Linn. (Kurz). is belonging to Malpighiaceae family and one of the important Ayurvedic drugs. Almost all parts of the plant are in the traditional medicine systems of Asian countries to treat various diseases over many centuries. Flowers are used in earache, Shirahshool (headache) dried flower in Agnimandya (digestive impairment), Krimi roga (worm infestation), Kandu (itching), Pama (eczema), Raktapitta (bleeding disorder), Sthaulya (obesity), and Twak roga (skin diseases); kernel of seeds is prescribed for reducing abdominal girth (obesity); leaves are used in chronic rheumatism, asthma, and skin disease; bark in bronchial asthma. Aim and Objective: Till date, no data have been found on micromorphology and micrometric evaluation on Madhavilata flower. The present study has been focused on micromorphological and detailed micrometric evaluation of individual parts of flower including its powder microscopy. Materials and Methods: Fresh flowers were collected; free-hand sections of various parts of flower and the micrometric analysis were done as per the standard pharmacognostical procedures. Result and Conclusion: Pharmacognostical evaluation of floral parts plays an important role in identification point of view as pollen grains are the characteristic feature. Other than that, fibers with different sizes and shapes were also found to be present.


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