Effect of trigonelline on fertility in female rats


  • Urmila Aswar
  • V. Mohan
  • S. L. Bodhankar




Antidiabetic activity of trigonelline and antifertility activity of fenugreek seeds have been reported. However, the effect of trigonelline on fertility is not reported. The aim of the study was to determine the estrogenic activity of trigonelline (75 mg/kg) as well as its effect on fertility in rats. The estrogenic activity was assessed by the vaginal cornification method. Trigonelline was administered on days 1–7 of pregnancy. The animals were anesthetized and laprotomy was carried out on day 10. The number of implantation sites was counted.
The wound was sutured and animals were allowed to recover. The number of pups born after 21 days was counted. Trigonelline was
safe up to dose of 5000 mg/kg orally. Trigonelline (75 mg/kg) did not alter the estrous cycle of rats. Nonsignificant difference in the number of implants and pups born was observed in the trigonelline group compared to the control group. The lack of abortifacient activity or teratogenicity confirms the safety of trigonelline during pregnancy in rats.
Key words: Trigonelline, implantation, antidiabetic


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