Preliminary phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of selected four plants


  • V. Satyanarayana VELs University, Chennai - 600 117, Tamil Nadu, India



Aim: The present work carried out to evaluate of the phytochemicals present in the selected plants which are biologically active and in vitro anti-oxidant activity. Materials and Methods: Four selected plants Polygonum glabrum, Canthium dicoccum Ochna obtusata, Argyreia nervosa of Petroleum collected and plant material is dried according to the standard procedure. The dried plant materials powdered using blenders. The powdered material is subjected to extraction using different solvent systems and filtrate is collected. Finally the filtarate is dried crude used for further studies. Results and Discussion: Ether Extract, Ethyl Acetate Extract, and Aqueous Extracts revealed that presence of bioactive compound likes saponins, phyto-sterols and phenolic are in relatively in high concentration in preliminary phytochemical study. The quantitate estimation of phenolic compound carried out by using Folin-Ciocalteu method and flavonoid by colorimetric method using aluminum chloride to establish the relation between the antioxidant activity and phenolic and flavonoid content. The total phenol content and flavonoid content ethanol extracts are relatively more than other extracts with respect to the standard concentration of Gallic acid and rutin .In selected plants ethanol extract showed significant anti-oxidant activity of on dose dependent manner. In all the assays IC50 values are determined using ascorbic acid is a standard. Conclusion: The results obtained from the present investigation the selected four plants are having good bioactive compound hence the plants can be used as potential source of natural antioxidants and Pharmaceuticals.


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