Giloy (Amrita) Tinospora cordifolia: Its phytochemical, therapeutic, and disease prevention potential


  • Dr. Ravi Kant Upadhyay



Present review article describes phytochemicals, disease prevention, and biological effects of Tinospora cordifolia
commonly known as Giloy or Giloe” or “Guduchi.” This plant is indigenous to tropical regions of the Indian
subcontinent and widely used in Ayurvedic medicines since time immemorial. This article emphasized important
biological activities such as anti-toxic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic, antioxidant, Antimicrobial,
anti-stress, hypolipidaemic, hepatic disorder, anti-cancer, anti-HIV, anti-complementary, antitoxic effects, wound
healing, anti-complementary, and immune stimulatory and immunomodulating activities. Plant is widely used by
local people for treatment of fever, cough, cold, allergic rhinitis, and diabetes. Regular used of Giloy leaf juice cut
down sugar, it induces generation of insulin that regulates blood sugar levels. Giloy juice is highly beneficial in liver
disease, urinary tract infections, ulcer, kidney problems, and heart-related issues. Giloy juice acts as an appetizer,
digestive, and help to remove cough and as immunity booster. It is also used to detoxify skin, improves digestion,
and reduces digestion-related problems like diarrhea, colitis, vomiting, and hyperacidity. Giloy is unique plant and
depository of hundreds of diverse bioactive constituents. These are used to prepare diverse rasayana’ for therapeutic
purposes mainly for saving the life of people. Due to life saving natural attributes, this plant is known as Amrita
“that provides immortality” to people and immunity booster. Giloy plant hot concoction and extracts were proved
boon for people as it has saved millions of lives during corona virus epidemics. Plant is used for the various human
diseases and ailments related to liver, gastric, respiratory, urinary tract infections, ulcer, kidney and heart and skin.


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