Molecular and physiological role of Epipremnum aureum


  • Anju Meshram
  • Nidhi Srivastava



Epipremnum aureum (Golden pothos) is a naturally variegated climbing vine that produces abundant yellow‑marbled foliage. It is among the most popular tropical ornamental plant used as hanging basket crop. An insight has been provided about the different varieties of Golden pothos including Neon, Marble Queen, Jade Pothos and N Joy. This paper presents a critical review on botanical study and important characteristics of Golden pothos and special emphasis has been provided on variegated leaves and chloroplast biogenesis explaining the important genes involved during the process and various proteins associated with it. Studies have been included comprising the special features of Epipremnum aureum in phytoremediation for the removal of Cobalt and Cesium and in the purification of air against formaldehyde. The antimicrobial activity of roots and leaf extracts of Epipremnum aureum against many bacterial strains have been included. It also presents the antitermite activity of Golden pothos that can be harnessed for pest control.
Key words: Antimicrobial, antitermite, calcium oxalate, Epipremnum aureum, formaldehyde


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