Investigation of analgesic activity of leaves part of the trianthema portulacastrum (L) in standard experimental animal models.


  • Shanmugam Suresh kumar
  • Sundaram Bama
  • Natarajan Kiruthiga
  • Ramanathan Sampath kumar
  • Thangavel Sivakumar
  • Palanisamy Dhanabal



The ethanol extract of Trianthema portulacastrum belonging to the family of Aizoaceae was evaluated by acetic acid induced writhing
and hot plate methods to assess analgesic activity. It was found that the extract caused an inhibition on the writhing response induced by acetic acid in a dose dependent manner. Dose of 250 mg/kg EETP and Aspirin could block the writhing response by 50.92% and 67.68% (p<0.001), respectively. It was also indicated that the EETP showed significant antinociceptive action in hot plate reaction time method in mice. This effect was comparable to that of standard drug Aspirin treated controls, suggesting the central activity of EETP.
Key words: Trianthema portulacastrum, Analgesic activity, Acetic acid induced writhing and hot plate method.


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