Pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical assay of Asanadi Ghanavati: An Ayurvedic polyherbal formulation


  • Shivam Joshi
  • H. M. Chandola
  • C. R. Harisha
  • V. J. Shukla



Context: Ayurveda has abundant collection of effective formulations against diseases. In the era of increasing demand for indigenous medicines, maintaining quality standards is the need of the hour. Standardisation of compound formulations is lagging behind because of absence of reference standards. Lots of single and compound drugs have been described in Ayurvedic classics. Asanadi gana (Astanga Hridaya Sutrasthana 15) has kapha-medohara (pacifying Kapha and fat) and lekhana (scraping) property. Aims: The present study was aimed at setting a standard pharmacognostical and pharmaceutical profile of Asanadi ghanavati (AG). Materials and Methods: Study included preparation of AG following all SOPs using raw drugs, which were previously authenticated. Later, AG was subjected to pharmacognostical, physicochemical and high performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) analysis as per standard protocols. Results: The final observations were recorded. Pharmacognostical findings matched with that of individual
raw drugs with no major change in the microscopic structure of the raw drugs during preparation of ghanavati. HPTLC gave the
fingerprint of the formulation with 12 and eight spots on short and long UV, respectively. Conclusions: The quality of AG tablet can be tested by series of pharmacognostical, Physicochemical screening for the observations of the present study.
Key words: Asanadi ghanavati, dyslipidaemia, HPTLC, pharmacognosy


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