Pharmacognostical study on flowers and fruits of Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera Linn.)


  • Hasmukh R. Jadav
  • Galib Ruknuddin
  • P. K. Prajapati
  • C. R. Harisha



Background: Medicinal plants occupied a distinct place in human life right from the primitive period to until date. It is seen
from the literature that Achyranthes aspera Linn. of Amaranthaceae family is an important plant for its medicinal uses in the treatment of heart diseases, haemorrhoids, etc., Until date different extracts of this plant has been evaluated for its activities such as spermicidal, anti‑allergic, nephroprotective, antiparasitic, hypoglycemic, analgesic and antipyretic etc., Though it is an important plant, until date no pharmacognostical work is found on its parts such as flowers and fruits. Aim: Present study was carried out to evaluate pharmacognostical characters of fruit and flower of A.aspera Linn. Materials and Methods: Macroscopic and microscopic pharmacognostical characters of flowers and fruits were noted. Results: Pharmacognostical evaluation of both the parts shows the presence of rosette crystals, prismatic crystals, polyhedral pollen grains and oil globules. Conclusion: The current work appears to
be the first of its kind and can be considered as reference standards for future studies.
Key words: Androecium, Apamarga, flower, fruit, pollen grains


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